Charlotte Jacobs winner of Lövsta Future Challenge Jumping US 2023

Charlotte Jacobs and Pablo P, photo Boss Mare Media

The young talents were outshining the Floridian sun in today´s final of Lövsta Future Challenge Jumping US.

The 30 finalists, all 7 year old horses, had qualified throughout the season, with two clear rounds securing a spot in the final.

The prestigious $25 000 final was held in the international arena at Wellington International, a perfect oppurtunity for the young horses to get experience from the big arenas.

The winner, Charlotte Jacobs were very pleased with her Pablo C.

- "Me and my family bought him as a 5-year old and he has developed so nicely. Last year, we won the 6 year old final and I´m just so happy that we could repeat the win this year."

Second place went to Great Britain´s Amanda Derbyshire with Billy Legend.

-" He is still a very green horse and I´ve only been competing three times this circuit. But Billy did such a good job and handled this big arena so well", she says after her ride.

Third placed Nataly Leibowitz, competing for Israel, was also thrilled about her horse, Cheers N.

-"Cheers is also a bit on the green side, and a really big horse. But he really went for it and jumped amazing today. I´m also really thankful for the supoort for this tour, it´s such a good learning experience for the horses", she says.

You can find the full results from the final here.
